The Cyber Transporter
The Cyber Transporter was my major project at University where i was given a brief by Studio McGuire to create an abstract piece using the themes of 'Madness' and 'Cyberpunk'. I ended up creating a 3D animation which allowed me to show how madness had manifested a characters reality, creating a surreal immersive experience which draws the audience in and allows them to reflect on learning the characters reality.
Through the experience, i show how the character is clearly going through a manic state and is actually in a mental institution, however, the piece is more than that. The piece allows more fortunate people to be able to empaphise with those who can misinterpret reality and how easy it is for them to be confused with their imagination. It also provides a metaphor which highlights how we can be immersed in madness going on in our own lives and how only in reflection we can rationalise what we have been through due to how immersed and unnaware we can be.

Mama was my project for a module which required me to be 'innovative' and create a business design campaign for my own invention. Mama is a voice assisted cooking guide which step by step guides the user through each cooking process and answers any questions the user may have.
This was a very different challenge to my other uni experiences as this needed to be presented as a professional campaign and so i had to focus on the presentation a lot more. As it was a proposal, i also got to consider what is important for a firm to know from a design campaign. Furthermore, the brief was fairly open which allowed me to experiement as i was able to create a short skit/advert. I thorouhgly enjoyed this as i was able to be creative in terms of story telling and script writing.
If you would like to see the full campaign presentation: Mama Design Campaign